Size: 10 ft./50lbs
Housing: hatchling-20gal tank. Adults custom built enclosure min. I use is 8'L x 4'W x 5-6'H.
Substrate: paper towels, aspen, astroturf, just never put aspen or wood shavings in a feeding
cage because of possible ingestion.
Temp: ambient day 82-90F Basking 90-95F nighttime 78-82F
Vet Care: take stool sample to herp qualified vet to check for worms & protozoans. yes, they
are two seperate tests and be sure to request for them both or they may not do both. FRESH WATER AT ALL TIMES!
Necessities: Nolvasan ( Chlorhexidine diacetate)-to clean enclosures & disinfect water bowls,
litter boxes, tubs and sinks.
Betadine (povidone/iodine) clean scratches and wounds. Set aside a food storage
bowl (in freezer), extra water bowl soaking bowl or tub, sponges, to be used only for boa.